The Beatification of the Spanish Martyrs

My dear Brothers, Co-workers and Members of the Hospitaller Family of the Order of St John of God,


I am writing to inform you that the session of the theologians appointed to study the Positio of the remaining 24 confrères martyred in Spain (in 1936-1937), on February 19, expressed a positive opinion regarding the entire group of martyrs.


In the coming months, the Positio will be examined by the Cardinals, and then it will be submitted to the Holy Father to sign the Decree of Beatification, which is scheduled to take place on October 13, 2013 at Tarragona (Spain) at the conclusion of the Year of Faith.


Let us give thanks to Our Lord for these Brothers who unreservedly gave their lives to testify to their vocation and consecration to Hospitality at the service of the sick and all those in need, and let us pray that the process leading to their Beatification will proceed positively.


I greet you all fraternally in St John of God.


Brother Jesús Etayo, O.H.

Prior General


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