Luz Janeth Bernal Ruiz





Luz Janeth Bernal Ruiz


I have been a Co-worker at the San Rafael University Hospital for 18 years and my knowledge of the history, philosophy and the Charism of the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God have been crucial to me, and have led me to a different experience of life, in intellectual, spiritual, and affective and professional terms.

Sharing the experience of the St John of God Family has awakened in me the realisation of what hospitality really means, and I have tried to practise it, translated into concrete attitudes by opening up my heart and my whole being to perform my daily duties painstakingly in both technical and human terms, endeavouring to help the least favoured people as a contribution to the humanisation of health care, striving at all times for total quality and excellence. This is the value which has most affected me, and I never cease to think that a patient is suffering, fearful, or in pain, and that wherever I may be I am under an obligation to soothe their distress.

I have a great love and passion for my membership of the community and I strive to “do good, well done” to care for our patients and their loved ones.

I feel proud and privileged and thank God for having put me in this wonderful place.   


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